If you’re anything like me, you may feel like you’ve been living in some strange alternative reality since March of this year. The world has officially gone mad – and not in a good way!
However, when it comes to business, things only need to be as doom and gloom as you allow them to be.
Advennture Design celebrated their most successful month of business in 2020 in July – hurrah! We were absolutely swamped with work and feel truly blessed to have been able to continue to thrive through these challenging times.
But that’s not just true for us. We’ve had many clients busier than they’ve been in months thanks to looking at things more positively and making the most of what is, let’s be honest, a crappy situation.
For example, our friends at a Video Production agency – they’ve seen COVID-19 as an opportunity to finally help more businesses sell and promote their services virtually and in the most compelling, engaging way.
And one of our contracted clients who runs a hair salon in London – who’d have thought she could find a way to thrive throughout all of this? Instead, she looked at the world more positively and saw an opportunity to sell online training and resources - and she’s even looking at franchising out now!
It really can be done - you just need to change your perspective.
Here’s our 5 tips for getting started:

1. Make a list – all the things you want to do, change or develop for your business. No matter how big or small the ideas are, chances are some of them can become reality now you have a little more time on your hands.
2. Get on LinkedIn – whilst you can’t necessarily meet up with new faces, that doesn’t need to be the end of opportunities.
Many people will still be working from home in isolated environments and would welcome a Zoom coffee with someone new.
3. Never stop learning – you can never know everything and remember, knowledge is power. Learning new stuff means you can drive this into your business and find new ways of thriving and growing.

4. Who can you help? Two heads are better than one. Maybe there’s another business nearby that would benefit from your support and vice versa. For example, a health store and a local Vegan café. Now may just be the time to team up.
5. Reach a wider market – being more reliant on online communications doesn’t need to be a bad thing. Think of the audience you can reach! For example, as a gym you can encourage more online class memberships, if you’re a store get that online shop ready, even a pub could offer virtual quiz nights!
The hardest times are here to test us, and it would be so easy to just back-down and accept defeat. But the easiest option is not often the right one. If you can commit to some positive thinking now, just think of how different your business could look in 2021 – for all the right reasons.
Talk to Advennture Design today about ways your business can thrive through COVID-19: hello@advennturedesign.com